We specialize in helping our customers with tax solutions that impact and improve their financial life. One of the ways to achieve that is by communicating in a timely and clear manner with many small business owners who come to see us in Fort Worth, TX. This is where...
Working at a tender age is an American tradition. If your children work in your business, consider giving them education fringe benefits. Doing this right creates• tax deductions for the business, and• tax-free fringe education benefits for the child. You can...
To be tax-deductible, your gym or other athletic facilities must be primarily for the benefit of your employees—other than employees who are officers, shareholders, or other individuals who own a 10 percent or greater interest in the business, or other highly...
If you have an office in your home that qualifies for the home-office deduction and you employ a cleaning lady who maintains both your home and your home office, there are a couple of tax considerations to keep in mind. The amount you pay your cleaning lady for her...
As you may already know, there have been some major changes to the business meal deduction for 2023 and beyond. The deduction for business meals has been reduced to 50 percent, a significant change from the previous 100 percent deduction for business meals in and...