Take Advantage of the Once-in-a-Lifetime IRA-to-HSA Rollover

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are designed for use alongside high-deductible health plans, assisting you in covering your medical expenses. They can also function as an incredible retirement account due to their triple tax benefit: • You can deduct contributions from...

SECURE 2.0 Act Creates New Tax Strategies for RMDs

As you are likely aware, if you have an IRA or other tax-deferred retirement account, you must start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) once you reach a certain age. The SECURE 2.0 Act raises the age at which RMDs must first be taken, from age 72 to age 75,...

Use In-Kind RMDs to Avoid Selling Retirement Account Assets

Are you 72 or older? If so, you must take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from your traditional IRA, SEP-IRA, or SIMPLE IRA by the end of the year.  If you turn 72 this year, you can wait until April 1 of next year to take your first RMD—but you’ll also have to...

Health Savings Accounts: The Ultimate Retirement Account

It isn’t easy to make predictions, especially about the future. But there is one prediction we’re confident in making: you will have substantial out-of-pocket expenses for health care after you retire. Personal finance experts estimate that an average retired couple...

IRAs for Kids

Working at a tender age is an American tradition. What isn’t so traditional is the notion of kids contributing to their own IRA, especially a Roth IRA. But it should be a tradition, because it’s a really good idea. Here’s what you need to know about IRAs for kids....