All About Limited Liability Companies (LLC)

Limited liability companies (LLCs) are a popular choice of entity for small businesses and investment activities. LLC owners are called members. Single-member LLCs have one owner, although spouses who jointly own an LLC in a community property state can elect...

Working at Home? Don’t Overlook These Deductions

Do you work from home? Whether or not you have a deductible office in the home, the assets such as desks and chairs that you use for business are deductible—and are often overlooked as business deductions. Whether you claim a business office in the home or are simply...

Use Your Business to Maximize Charitable Donations

Giving to your church, school, or other 501(c)(3) charity is a noble act no matter how you choose to give. But for the purposes of tax savings, some forms of giving are much more beneficial to you than are others. As a business owner, you can use some business...

Tax Loophole Allows Tax-Free COVID-19 Payments to Employees

After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Congress added a little-known tax provision to the tax law. This little-known tax code provision exempts certain payments from taxation during a disaster or terrorist attack. President Donald Trump’s national...

COVID-19: Significant Payroll and Self-Employment Tax Relief

If you are in business for yourself—say, as a corporation or self-employed—payroll taxes and self-employment taxes are likely two of your biggest tax burdens. Here’s some possible good news: Congress decided to give you significant relief from these taxes due to the...