Avoid 1099 Headaches: Three Strategies

The easiest way to avoid the headaches and potential penalties caused by issuing 1099s to independent contractors is to structure your activities to: (1) minimize the number you have to issue, and(2) prepare in advance if you do have to issue them Strategy 1: Select...

2018 Last-Minute Year-End General Business Deductions

Your year-end tax planning doesn’t have to be hard. Outlined below are four strategies that will increase your tax deductions or reduce your taxable income so that Uncle Sam gets less of your 2018 cash. Prepaying your 2019 expenses right now reduces your taxes this...

S Corporation Deductions

We specialize in helping clients clarify their taxes so they keep more of their money. Many small business owners who come to see us in Fort Worth, TX are generally unaware of even the basic tax saving strategies. Setting up an accountable plan is one of the best...

Maximize Family Support

Do you give money to your parents or other loved ones to make their lives more comfortable? If the answer is yes, is your loved one in the 0 percent capital gains tax bracket? The 0 percent capital gains tax bracket applies to a single person with less than $38,600 in...

S Corp Reasonable Compensation

We specialize in helping clients clarify their taxes so they can keep more of their money. Many small business owners who come to see us in Fort Worth, TX are generally unaware of even the basic tax saving strategies. S corporation has to pay small business...

Save More For Retirement In 2019

Get ready to save more for retirement in 2019! IRAs are bumped up to $6,000 and 401(k) type plans are at $19,000 in 2019. Catch-up contribution limits are unchanged. Happy saving!   We specialize in helping clients clarify their taxes so they keep more of their...